Thank you for your interest in my work!
I am a scientist with a recently found passion for Science Communication. I have a biology degree and a Ph.D from the Institute of Bioscience (IB), University of São Paulo (USP). I recently graduated with a Masters in Science Communication at Laurentian University and I work as Marketing Science Communicator at Science North, where I coordinate the science content online and produce evidence-based engaging digital media for our social media platforms. Before I moved to Sudbury, ON, in Canada, I was a postdoc at Tiana Kohlsdorf's Laboratory of Integrative Biology and Evolution at USP Ribeirão Preto. My research aimed to understand which kinds of selection pressures are related to between sex differentiation in morphology and performance of lizards. I focused my work on the awesome tropidurids. I'm also measuring selection on performance in a mid-term field study with the saxicolous lizard Tropidurus itambere. During my postdoc, I spent some time with Dan Warner at Auburn University funded by FAPESP studying facultative sex allocation in the brown anole. I ended doing some other cool stuff too. You can find out more about what I'm up to, my publications and my contact information in the menu above. I'm on Twitter and posting regular science stories on my Instagram profile. Follow along! These are all my visitors, thanks for coming!